Saturday, September 22, 2007

Patio Gardening - Did You Know You Can Grow Corn on the Cob?

Who would have thought that you can actually grow corn cobs on a patio or deck. Well some people take their patio gardening to extremes and I read an article the other day about a guy who didn't like supermarket sweet corn so decided to grow his own.

It actually took him seven years to perfect the art of grown corn on his deck but he's obviously a patient man and he says the flavour is worth the effort.

To read the full story go here

Patio Gardening for Beginners

If this is your first venture into patio gardening, you may be wondering where to start. Well, the best place is to get yourself a piece of paper and make a plan. By a plan, I don't mean a design, just jot down some ideas. For example, what aspect does your patio have? Is it sunny, windy, sheltered? Do you have a colour scheme in mind for both plants and accessories? Do you have a budget? Do you want a seating area?

See what I mean? Once you start writing down the possibilities, the ideas will flow.

Now you have to choose what to use depending on what ended up on your plan. Once you choose, all you have to do is go out and buy! Don't forget that budget though!

If you want some design ideas, just click one of the links below, go along to Amazon and browse the many books on offer - there's sure to be one that will answer your questions for you!

If you're in the USA

Patio Gardening Search -

and if you're in the UK

Patio Gardening Search -

Happy gardening
